New trends in E-Learning

August 02, 2015


New trends in language E-learning – Will online German teachers have a future?

E- Learning has become a normal thing in most societies. Large educational institutions have adapted, adding online German lessons. This has created a new avenue of revenue for many online German teachers, who have a variety of free online German lessons available. The costs of executing a successful e-learning academy have greatly reduced. This now makes room for more business, governments and schools to increase their tools for long distance learning.
Reduction in cost plus growing demand for German teachers online facility sparks tough competition among many of these German teachers. Keeping up with technology trends and strategies is one of the most important selling points of these institutions. The E-Learning industry has grown so much in recent years that it has become very easy to acquire a good quality of learning if learn German on Skype. A growing number of schools are working nowadays with Google Education, which is offering HD Video quality with up to 9 people and on top of it a virtual system of Classrooms©.
So to keep you afloat with the latest trends in the industry, we have come up with a few vital trends influencing e-learning today.

  • The integration of online tools for e-learning in major companies.                                                             E-Learning integration in company infrastructure proves to increase productivity and communication. It has become easier to introduce learning modules into staff communications, payroll systems for professional development. The emphasis still remains on educating workers in easier training techniques at their own pace without facilitating costs for physical venues for them to participate in the learning modules. These new intranets and programs are:
  1. Self – Service professional Development
  2. Innovative E-Learning Deployment
  3. E-Learning via Podcasting
  • Reduction in costs at prestigious higher learning institutions.                                                                   Even the most prestigious intuitions have to compete to keep their classrooms full and current. Many Ivy League institutions used to justify their high cost in tuition fees for their exclusivity. University of Pennsylvania and Wharton School of Business is re-strategizing classroom syllabuses for learners around the country. This gives learners the opportunity to participate in classes offered by renowned professors of those institutions.
  • The age of wireless everything advances E-Learning technology.                                                               The advancement in radio, Wi-Fi signal, 4G and LTE networks into more rural locations, creates the opportunity to reach an endless amount of people in remote areas. This cuts down travel time for learners who have to travel into more developed areas to access signals they cannot in their locations. There is no longer a restriction on information based on where you are. Access to high quality information once privy to areas with enormous amounts of human resources and budgets is available to everyone everywhere.

The E- Learning industry is evolving as fast as technology is changing. Institutions have learned not to stick to one business or learning model as E-Learning has now become a standard. It has leveled the playing field for everyone to access information, enjoy the benefit of shared research and convenience without having to travel far from where they are. Using and implementing e- learning tools in your own life has never been easier. All you have to do now is stay ahead with its trends.


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